SAEEA Monthly Meeting for December 2013

L to R: Shafiq A. Khan, Kamal Farooqi, Sher Ali, M. Salim Hamid, Engr. Iqbal Khan, MA Mateen, Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan
The monthly progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on December 02, 2013. The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal A. Farooqi (KAF)
- Engr. Iqbal A Khan (IAK)
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan (GQK)
- Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
- Shafiq A. Khan (SAK)
- Muhammad Salim Hamid (MSH)
- Sher Ali (SA)
The highlights of the meeting were as follows:
- KAF, MAM, SA and MSH visited the local bank to update their records. It was necessary as MSH was taking charge of Finance Secretary’s Office. MSH will deal with the bank concerning SAEEA accounts matters.
- KAF highlighted activities took place during the month of November, 2013.
- KAF thanked all the Team, especially Qutub, Iqbal, Matin and Sher Ali for finalizing SAEEA accounts.
- KAF again requested all attendees to review SAEEA Bye-Laws one more time and review the chapter “Elections” and come back with their recommendations in SAEEA next meeting.
- KAF is in touch with a Lawyer concerning the registration of SAEEA with the Pakistan Government.
- KAF welcomed Muhammad Salim Hamid as a new Finance Secretary SAEEA. He handed over a written welcome letter to MSH as well.
- On behalf of all SAEEA Members and Office Holders, KAF thanked Mr. Sher Ali for performing outstanding job as Finance Secretary for more than three years. He presented a bouquet and an appreciation letter to Sher Ali.
- KAF requested MAM to look for a good place for the 9th Reunion. The tentative date for reunion is January 12, 2014.
- MSH took the charge of Finance Secretary, SAEEA and GQK explained the details of the accounts to MSH. GQK was heavily involved in finalizing the accounts with Mr. Sher
- KAF requested SAK to come back with his recommendations concerning give away items.
- KAF requested MAM to prepare a list of those Members who not yet paid the yearly subscription.
- KAF prayed for all sick Friends and their Families.
- The meeting adjourned after having a delicious lunch in a local Restaurant. The lunch was arranged to say good bye to Mr. Sher Ali and to welcome Mr. Muhammad Salim Hamid.
If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on View more photos of SAEEA Monthly Meeting Dec 2013 in the Aramco ExPats Galleries.