SAEEA December Meeting
SAEEA Monthly Meeting for December 2011
The monthly meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) Sindh based was held on December 01, 2011. The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan
- Sher Ali
- Mohammad Abdul Matin
- Shafiq Ahmed Khan

Following are the highlights:
- Mr. Kamal A. Farooqi explained the activities during the month of November 2011.
- Work on the next SAEEA Party is in progress and Mr. MA Matin and Mr. Shafiq A. Khan are working on it and will provide complete details in the next meeting.
- The web site for SAEEA is progressing very well and soon the URL (Link) for the site will be provided to all members.
- The marriage bureau activities are progressing and Mrs. Mahtab S. Khan received one more request by a SAEEA member.
- Work on new membership is also progressing and in November two new members filled the forms.
- The increase in the yearly subscription be placed and decided at the next general meeting with the consensus of all SAEEA Members.
- A final review was done of the Identity Cards for SAEEA Members. Mr. Shafiq A. Khan will provide the final sample for approval in the next meeting.
- SAEEA Member Mr. Mohammad Iqbal Chugtai’s wife passed away on November 27, 2011-Inna Lillah Hay WaInna Ilaihay Rajoon. Two office bearers and fifteen SAEEA members attended the funeral.
- SAEEA Member Mr. Shahmim Khan passed away in Jeddah Saudi Arabia few weeks back due to heart attack. He was buried in Thugba Cemetery and his Saudi Aramco Friends Mr. Ayub Lala, Mr. Mohammad Khalid Bux, Mr. Mujeeb Ur Rehman and Mr. Qamar Khan attended the funeral.
- Last but not the least Mr. Kamal Ahmed Farooqi made Dua for all the diseased and all the SAEEA members who are sick.
If you have any question or comments then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com.