Sitting: Khalil Uddin Qureshi, Kamal A. Farooqi, A. Ghaffar Khan, Razi Ullah Khan, Mohammed Abdul Mateen, Muzaffar A. Khan, Owais Akram Ali
Standing: Saeed Khan, Arif Qamar, Moeen Uddin Khan, Mohammad Siraj uddin, Abdul Qudoos, Showkatullah Khan, Ata Ur Rehman, Qazi A. Naseer, Maqbool Hussain, Nafees Qureshi, Mohammad Akram Arian.
Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) celebrated its 23rd Reunion on January 16, 2022 at Lasania Restaurant, Karachi. The highlights of the function are as follows:
- A total of 84 persons attended the function (55 male, 22 female and 7 children). This reunion held after an interval of two years, the main reason being the current epidemic.
- Four new members; (1) Muhammad Razi Ullah Khan, #161425, from IT, (2) Abdul Ghaffar, #72770, from Drilling and Workover, (3) Muhammad Akram Arain, #75179, from Safaniya Offshore Producing and (4) Owais, #73202. Joined SAEEA as new members. Owais lives in Karachi, Pakistan and is son of ex Aramcon Ata Ur Rahman, currently lives in USA.
- All attendees met with their old buddies and enjoyed the event.
- The event started with the recitation from the Holy Qur’an by SAEEA Vice President Engineer Iqbal A. Khan.
- In his speech, Kamal A. Farooqi, President, updated attendees about the activities of SAEEA in between 22nd and 23rd reunions. .A total of sixteen members; three wives and one daughter of Members passed away during this period. The main reasons of their deaths are from the prevailing epidemic.
- Several friends have been sick and could not attend the reunion. KAF informed the audience that in the beginning; the attendance was 48; gradually increased and reached up to 275. Now, because of above and other reasons, the attendance is within one hundred.
- SAEEA General Secretary is currently out of Country. In addition, two Office bearers; Shafiq A. Khan, Joint Secretary and Muhammad Salim Hamid, Finance Secretary could not attend because of their ill health.

Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan with his daughter Erum Imran son in law Imran Ahmed Khan Ghouri and Zoya Imran and Zara Imran the granddaughters.

Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan with his daughter Dr. Kiran Ata Ur Rehman and her kids, Mariam, Obaid & Habib.
- As usual, the President requested all members to bring forward their youths for future smooth running of SAEEA. As a result, Owais S/O Ata Ur Rahman became a regular member of SAEEA and offered all possible services; needed by SAEEA for its future events. In addition, the new member Muhammad Razi Ullah Khan also offered his services for SAEEA. Now, the SAEEA will keep in touch with these gentlemen for any possible help.
- The new member Muhammad Akram Arain also had a chance to address the audience. In his short speech, he mainly praised the outstanding services of SAEEA for organizing such events where all old friends have been meeting and brushing their old memories with each other.
- The food and atmosphere of the Restaurant was tremendous and very well-liked by all attendees.
- Kamal Farooqi, President of SAEEA thanked all participants and requested them to be more active and close with SAEEA.
- Kamal thanked all Friends and families for their hands in making the 23rd reunion a SUCCESS. He, along with others, praised Arif Qamar, SAEEA Event Organizer, for organizing such a wonderful gathering.
- Kamal prayed for sick people and made doa’maghferah for diseased friends and family members.
The program concluded at 3:30 PM after getting several group and individual photographs.