Reduced From Tactical Pilotage Charts TPC J-6B and TPC J-6C
Original Scale 1:500,000
Camp 1: 6 February, 1950
Camp 2: 19 March, 1950
Flight Lines Are Approximations
The White Rectangle Outlines the Area Covered by the Map on the right.

The dark brown line on the small map marks the 1998 version of Saudi Arabia's claims regarding its boundaries with Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
On both flights George took notes of wind direction and force, flight altitude, ground speed and direction. The main thrust of his observations was, however, minute by minute notations of the type of terrain. On the second flight, began at 8:28 a.m., he was ordered at 10:51 to run the aerial camera while standing at the open doorway. Securely tethered, he took over fifty photos.
This change in occupation is the reason for the question mark at the end of the arrows marking the course of the second flight. The continuation and return of the flight to Camp 2 is not shown on the adjoining map.