Aramco reunions come in all forms and sizes. Whether it’s 500 annuitants gathering in Dhahran or a handful of friends gathering in some convenient and interesting spot of their own choosing, good fun is always had and new memories made. Every year for some time, five former Aramcon couples have organized their own mini-reunion. This year Schyuler and Phyllis Stuckey, Mel and Paulette Misanko, Wayne and Connie Muncy, Chuck and Patt Peterson and Mark and Chloe Young gathered together for a few days in Savannah Georgia to share fellowship and memories. The Petersons organized the trip to this delightful city, known for its parks and good old southern hospitality. One morning, they decided to take a walk along the picturesque waterfront. The girls all donned “interesting” hats, remembering how on a previous mini-reunion in San Antonio they had noticed a group of women wearing hand-made hats and deciding it was a great idea. Schuyler Stuckey found hats for everyone at a souvenir shop, coincidentally, in San Antonio. And were they ever noticed. The locals couldn’t help but comment on the girls’ choice of haberdashery, and the comments received were universally positive. Now their problem is going to be, how will they top that at their next mini-reunion? The wheels are no doubt already turning in all of their heads. AramcoExPats looks forward to reporting on their next year’s fashion statement. The Petersons picked out a lovely guest house and carriage house for everyone to call home while in Savannah. Wayne and Connie Muncy are in charge of the group’s mini-reunion in 2016. They have a major challenge on their hands trying to meet or match the job Chuck and Patt Peterson did this year. But, as typical ex-Aramcons, they’re always up for a challenge and will no doubt come up with something to make everyone happy. And the beat goes on…