A recent email from Aramco Brat Monique Slotboom in Holland reminded us of how important it is to record, preserve and share memories of reunions over the years. As the daughter of Aramco annuitant Janny Slotboom, Monique has attended reunions in 2002, 2004,2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 with her mother. There aren’t many of us that can say that. As many of you already know, it has been a tradition through the years to hand out special bags with unique designs for each reunion. Monique’s mother Janny has taken bags from most of those reunions and made decorative pillows out of them. Two images showing her handiwork accompany this article. The only year for which Janny is missing a bag is the 2004 reunion at Pinehurst. If anyone has an extra bag from that year that he or she would like to pass along to the Slotbooms, it would enable her to have a complete set.

If any of you have memories and images to share from those reunions, please let us know, and we’ll try to feature some of them in future issues of this newsletter.