Doreen M. Cumberford | Life in the Camel Lane

Dear Aramcons,

After 5 years being in the US, I have finally decided to complete the book I have been working on since I left Arabia in 2010. It seems like so many memories are fading and so in an effort to capture those, plus the vast experiences that so many of us had, I am winding up the writing and getting ready to publish Life in the Camel Lane: Life is Portable – Live It Everywhere You Go!

Most of the book is built upon stories about life in Arabia from my friends and others I have met along the way. I am so very grateful and lucky that so many Aramcons have shared their amazingly poignant and meaningful stories. However, I need a few more to complete the book, specifically anything from 1950’s to 1980’s, however later is also appropriate. I would like to invite you to participate by sharing a funny or a poignant story that happened to you in Arabia.

I am looking for the “funny,” the “absurd,” the cultural anomalies, and the moments that we remember for a life-time.

The heart of the book is based upon lessons learned, more specifically the life lessons of tolerance, gratitude, hospitality and changing perspective, how Arabia affected all of that and more.

Please feel free to reach out to me via any of the following channels so that we can connect and have a conversation.  

Facebook: ExpatHub or expatdreambuilders (FB Group)
Phone: 360.820.3601
Skype: DoreenCumberford


Doreen M. Cumberford