Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) celebrated 10th Reunion on May 18, 2014 at Lavish Dine Restaurant Karachi. Highlights of the program are:
- A total of 113 persons attended the function (72 male, 30 ladies and 11 children).
- All attendees met with their old buddies and enjoyed the event.
- Five additional persons joined the Association and became members by filling the prescribed membership form. One of them is on a visit to Pakistan from Canada. The first female Ex-Employee also joined the Association.
- Stage Secretary Syed Shahid Ali started the function by inviting Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan to recite few verses from Holy Qur’an. Later Engr. SW Fakhri recited a “Naat” admiring our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
- SAEEA Lady Representative Mrs. Manzoor Shaikh was also available in the hall for any query.
- Kamal A. Farooqi-SAEEA President informed that normally SAEEA office Holders visit all sick members of the association. He further stated that we planned to visit Mr. Mohammed Jamil Shamsi on May 06, 2014 who was seriously ill but he passed away a day before and then we attended his funeral on that day. In addition SAEEA office holders visited other member friends who are very sick or being operated.
- At the request of few friends, KAF threw an idea of having a picnic in a Farm House during the first week of August 2014. At the same time SAEEA will celebrate 4th Anniversary, Eid Milan and the 11th Reunion as well. In this connection SAEEA distributed blank forms among all the attendees to have their opinion. This feedback will be reviewed during SAEEA Monthly Progress Meeting of June 2014 for further action.
- KAF requested all the attendees to give their feedback to open a separate new account for helping the needy persons. Prescribed forms were distributed and again we will review the feedback during our forthcoming monthly progress meeting.
- KAF announced the distribution of SAEEA Souvenir, valet, with SAEEA Logo and the Ex-Employees name. The valets were distributed only to the members who have paid their full yearly dues. However, non paid members may also have the facility of having valet against payment.
- Mr. Muhammad Abdul Matin collected orders from non paid members from few families and the same will be delivered to them in a week time.
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan gave a brief about the official website of SAEEA. As of date all the information is updated and it is good to know that we have over three thousand clicks on the website counter. The URL of the website is : https://www.saeea.com.pk
- Engr. Iqbal Khan explained to all attendees about the Saudi Aramco 2015 KSA Expatriates Reunion. The details are shown on the weekly Aramco Expats News Letter. They are collecting the pre-registration application from all who wanted to attend and this will continue up till December 2014. The first preference will be given to those who are planning to visit first time. A confirmation e-mail will be send to all those who are being selected. Once the e-mail received by the retiree then only the return ticket should be booked by the members. More information is available on the Saudi Aramco Web site.
- KAF prayed for all the members who are not with us any more, sick or admitted in the hospital for their health and fast recovery.
- The delicious food was served and every member enjoyed the food and the service provided by Lavish Dine Restaurant.
- After the lunch SAEEA Office Holders presented a SAEEA Souvenir to the owner of the Restaurant as an appreciation gesture for the services provided by his staff and the complete ground floor was reserved for SAEEA Luncheon.