Faryal Haque recently completed Level 3 in her Chinese Language and Culture course from the Confucius Institute at the University of Karachi (UoK). The course involves studying Mandarin Chinese in four aspects - reading, writing, listening and speaking. The Chinese Language Program at UoK which was established by the University in partnership with the Government of China to promote higher education and cultural exchange between the two countries.

Faryal is the youngest daughter of Mr. Perwez Alam Haque, Saudi Aramco Badge No. 73320, who worked for the Marine Department, Ras Tanura, and is a permanent member of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA). Learning a new language is a difficult task requiring hard work and perseverance; a student may spend hundreds of hours working yet feel that their progress is too slow. To remind herself to be patient in her studies, Faryal follows this Chinese proverb: 不怕慢就怕站 (bú pà màn jiù pà zhàn) which means, 'Do not fear slow progress; only fear standing still' or in other words, do not be afraid of slowing down as long as you keep going. Building on her knowledge gained in the previous levels, Faryal learned how to compose short passages entirely in Chinese and also endeavored to increase her Chinese vocabulary. At the end of the course, the students sat for a final exam and were tested on their listening, reading and writing skills, which she passed in flying colors. Faryal is now preparing to sit for the international Chinese proficiency exam called HSK (3) on the basis of which she hopes to apply for a graduate program in the Chinese Language within Pakistan or abroad. SAEEA wishes Faryal a bright future and hopes that she will qualify for the graduate program.