For a second consecutive time, Saudi Aramco has been awarded the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Road Safety Forum’s “Public Awareness Campaign Award” for the company’s Traffic Safety Signature Program. The award was announced during the fourth annual ITS and Road Safety Forum held earlier this month in Doha, Qatar. The event is organized by the International Quality and Productivity Center. Led by Saudi Aramco, in collaboration with government ministries, traffic enforcement agencies, and civilian entities, the Traffic Safety Signature Program (TSSP) is designed to drive a cultural transformation in traffic safety and seeks to eliminate the root causes of traffic incidents by embedding preventative mechanisms to promote road safety for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Sultan H. Al Zahrani, secretary general of the Eastern Province Traffic Safety Council and director of the TSSP, said: “Saudi Aramco is proud to receive this prestigious award, which demonstrates our ongoing commitment to intensifying focus on traffic safety and environmental protection, particularly among young people. Working with our many partners, the high-impact Traffic Safety Signature Program has been transformative in preventing accidents, reducing injuries, and ultimately, saving lives. Safety continues to be Saudi Aramco’s No. 1 priority.” TSSP is established on four core areas, or 4Es, including: education and awareness; engineering; enforcement; and emergency response. The program is underpinned by a newly established Road Safety Audit mechanism, which includes the study of traffic volume at major intersections and truck movement on highways. This has enabled Saudi Aramco to identify flashpoint areas where accidents are more likely to occur. Armed with this continuously updated information, the TSSP integrates several core activities, including: upgraded traffic police and highway security force command centers, use of state-of-theart vehicle speed monitoring technology, stricter law enforcement, including mandatory car seats for all newborns at company medical facilities, upgraded cameras and street signs, establishment of new medical response facilities and paramedic training, and enlistment of insurance companies to help in the effort to eliminate traffic incidents. In addition, a traffic safety school kit for students in grades kindergarten through 12, multimedia materials, driving simulators, and traffic safety gardens are being used to increase levels of awareness and understanding among drivers, passengers, and pedestrians on the importance of safe driving and proper road user behavior.