A look back at the discovery that changed the Kingdom (PDF, 2.2MB): Seventy-seven years ago, the Prosperity Well (Dammam Well No. 7) produced oil in commercial quantities and Saudi Arabia’s transformation began in earnest. One man played a pivotal role in making it happen. Geologist Max Steineke refused to give up when many around him began to doubt that the Kingdom was home to vast amounts of hydrocarbons. Blazing a trail in Jazan (PDF, 3.7MB): Over two days at the Jazan Economic Forum (JEF) , government officials and the captains of Saudi industry set out in detail the plans for the economic transformation of the southwestern region. Massive in its scale, the Jazan Economic City ( JEC) is an effort to achieve balanced economic development in the Kingdom as part of a wider program of diversification. Saudi Aramco's 2014 Annual Review and Citizenship report (PDF, 2.6MB): By all accounts, 2014 was a landmark year for Saudi Aramco. Together, the more than 61,000 men and women of Saudi Aramco — the largest workforce in the company’s history — achieved remarkable progress on the journey to transform the company into the world’s leading integrated energy and chemicals enterprise. Going against the grain (PDF, 1.7MB): For decades, Saudi Aramco has waged a largely unnoticed battle against the dominant presence on the Saudi Arabian landscape: sand. It’s a relentless battle but one that has to be maintained on a daily basis to ensure the safety of Saudi Aramco’s employees and the wider communities of the company’s Southern Area Oil Operations. 'Abbrev.' (PDF, 1.1MB): Saudi Aramco news in brief.