Save the NEW Date, Start Planning
September 3, 2022
at the
Novotel Hotel London West
We are happy to confirm that Not the May Ball 3 will be held on September 3, 2022 at the Novotel Hotel London West in Hammersmith, London.
This Event continues the tradition of the Dhahran Rugby Union Football Club (DRUFC) May Ball, one of the highlights of the Dhahran and AEA annual social calendar. Formed in the early-1970s, DRUFC enjoyed sporting success in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia and around the Gulf States.
We have received great interest in attending, and while the closing date for this Event is at the end of June, available places are limited to the space of the venue. If you are interested in attending, details about the Event can be obtained from the organiser Richard Thom who lived in Dhahran between 1976 – 1980 and was a Chairman of DRUFC. 2022. The cost is £80pp.
With the relaxation of pandemic regulations and the opening up of international travel, why not now make it a date and start planning a trip to London; and if you have attended before and intend to again, welcome back.
Tell others who might be interested. Reunion events like Not the May Ball 3 remind us of a time when we were younger, carefree, and perhaps not so wise.
Come and renew old friendships, make new ones, swap stories and make 2022 a memorable event.
Contact Richard at notthemayball3@gmail.com for details about payment, accommodation, and the event itself.