Saudi Aramco's people forever boosting the lives of hearing impaired children
The culture of citizenship and spirit of generosity of Saudi Aramco employees has once again been demonstrated with an overwhelming response to a campaign to make a life-changing difference to the lives of hearing impaired children.
Employees have again proven their commitment to citizenship and their continuous desire to help those in society who live with disabilities on a daily basis through enthusiastically supporting and contributing to the ‘I Want to Hear’ campaign.
A Brighter, More Hopeful Future
Young people with hearing impairments are set to benefit from life-changing hearing aids and look forward to a brighter, more hopeful future as a result of the generosity of Saudi Aramco employees.
Thanks to the contributions of employees – matched 100 percent by the company – disadvantaged children Kingdom wide will look forward to more enriched lives.
It is estimated that 200,000 people in Saudi Arabia are suffering from hearing impairments, diminishing their opportunities to achieve their dreams and fully and confidently contribute to society.