Hafla Dates: Sept. 16-19, with early registration available on Sept. 15th
Come join us at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort to celebrate our friendships--those from our Aramco days and the new ones we will make in September. Tell your friends to book their rooms at the Hyatt ASAP and complete their Hafla Registration Forms ASAP as well. We need your support so we can plan for your arrival.
On Cinco de Mayo, twenty-five of us met at Bill and Judy Walker's home to plan for the Hafla and to party. We enjoy having fun together as you'll see in the photo gallery.
We have speakers, videos, and presentations planned for Sunday and Monday, tours planned for Tuesday, and dinners and bands lined up for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evenings. Full breakfast buffets are included in your registration fee on Monday and Tuesday mornings.
Don't miss the 'selfie' spot (for your DIY photos), henna artist, belly dancer, exhibits, art classes, the Hafla swag, and nametags with print large enough for folks our age to read.
Our volunteers are awesome! We heard from Tonie Maheshwari about the detailed Hafla registration schedule, Hal and Marcia Barham spoke about the golf tournament and met with the golf pro at the Wolfdancer Golf Club, Carol Hudson is almost ready to publish tour choices, Hutch and Barbara Hutchison are ready to sign you up for social bridge. Our plans include an ecumenical service Sunday afternoon. Trap shooting is turning out to be a popular activity based on current registrations. It's a Texas thang, y'all!
Registered Hafla attendees will soon be receiving more detailed schedules, information on transportation options, and additional tips to help you plan for your time at the Hafla. These notices will go to the email addresses you provide on your registration form.
Do you have questions or have you had trouble booking a room at the Hyatt with the Passkey system? Just send an email to us at austinhafla2018@gmail.com. We're here to help and we love hearing from you.
See you in September!
Your Hafla cohosts: Judy and Bill Walker, Vicki and David Jessich