Ali Baluchi with friends at the 2015 KSA Reunion Al Khobar luncheon.
Photo by Arthur Clark
A good friend is one of life’s greatest gifts, and Ali Baluchi—a member of the Aramco family for going on 70 years and today one of its pillars—is living proof of that. Ali is a treasure whose friendship enriches everyone privileged to know him.
That’s why Ali’s friends here at AramcoExPats are so delighted to announce to readers that he is working with editor Alison Hooker on his life story. What a story that promises to be!
In 1949, at the age of 14, Ali joined Aramco as an office boy and advanced steadily upward from there. As he grew to manhood, he enrolled in a succession of company training programs, creating better job opportunities for himself. Furthering his education in the ’70s, he earned BA and MA degrees from William Paterson University in New Jersey. Eager to learn and grow still more, he later participated in Advanced Management Training Programs variously offered by Penn State, Harvard, American University, Rutgers, and American University of Beirut.

Ali Baluchi at the 2015 KSA Reunion Gala Dinner.
Photo by Arthur Clark
From 1967 to 1971, Ali served as Superintendent of Community Services first at Abqaiq and later at Ras Tanura. He went on from there to hold various managerial jobs in the Commissary and Residential & Recreation Services division. In 1981, Ali was named General Manager of Community Services, in which role he supervised community services for all districts, including Tapline stations.
Since formally retiring from the company in April 1990, Ali has immersed himself in the activities of the greater Aramco community. Through December 2008, he coordinated Saudi retiree affairs. An inexhaustible dynamo of enthusiasm, he continues to this day to donate his time and talents out of love as a gift to his countless friends.
Ali’s editor, Alison Hooker, is seeking input from his friends among AXP’s readership to further enhance the telling of his story. We heartily endorse her effort. To that end, we share with you here a letter we received from Alison this past week.
Have you special memories of Ali Baluchi you’d like to share with others? If so, Alison and Ali would love to hear from you.

Shaikh Amin and Ali Baluchi at the 2014 Annuitants Reunion.
Photo by Bert Seal
Dear friend:
I am writing on behalf of Mr. Ali Baluchi to tell you of his current project—writing the story of his long and interesting life. I have the privilege of working with him as his editor, and he would love to include as many contributions from his friends as possible.
To this end, he would like to invite you to participate in this project.
We would be very grateful if you would take time to complete the attached questionnaire (click green button below) and return it to me as soon as is convenient (in Arabic or English as suits) at this email address: alijohook@gmail.com.
We are looking for anecdotes, stories, reminiscences, impressions - any of your special memories of this remarkable man and indomitable character.
If it would be easier for you, I can also arrange to call you at a convenient time so we can chat about Mr. B! Please just email me with your telephone number and we can navigate the time differences accordingly.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.
Kind regards,
Alison Hooker
Writer / Editor
On behalf of Mr. Ali M. Baluchi
Click the green button below to download the questionnaire PDF and save it to your desktop. Next, open the PDF from your desktop and type in your responses to the questions. Once you have completed the questionnaire, save the file again with your responses. Next, email it as an attachment to alijohook@gmail.com.