Al-Ayyam Al-Jamilah is a twice-yearly magazine distributed to retired employees and adult children of the Saudi Aramco Enterprise. Much of the content is compiled from letters, articles, news clippings and photos submitted by its readers. The magazine often includes historic photos that shed light on life in the Saudi Aramco community during the early years. It also includes articles prepared by retirees touching on their past and the company's history. One issue annually features the Saudi Aramco Annuitants Reunion, held every year since 1958. Other retiree reunions and gatherings of offspring are also covered.
Al-Ayyam Al-Jamilah - Summer 1993
Lester Hilyard worked in Saudi Arabia from 1937 to 1945. After a very brief stint in Venezuela - and 26 years of service with Standard of California - he look early retirement in February 1947.