Eighteen employees were recently recognized during a 25 and 30 year service award ceremony held at the Plaza Conference Center in Dhahran. Huda M. Al-Ghoson, executive director of Human Resources, presided over the event. The purpose of the event was to celebrate and recognize the continued Service and great efforts of our HR employees and congratulate them for their long years of dedication and contributions to the company over the course of their careers. HR directors, division heads or direct reports of awardees were invited along with the awardee's family and friends. 30 years: Abdulwahab BuBshait of the Personnel Department. 25 years: Soulafa Nassar, Billy Cowan, Abdulrahman Khamees, Sa’ed Ghamdi, and Ahmad Ghamdi of the Personnel Department; Humoud Ghamdi, Bakheet Khaldi, Florante Aspiras, Ibrahim A. Ibrahim, and Omar Ghamdi of the Staffing Services Department; Abdurahman Thakeb and Ismail Ahmary of Human Resources Policy and Planning; Ahmad Abdullah of HR Joint Venture/Subsidiary Support; William Delos Reyes of the Organization Consulting Department; Teresa Roberts of Saudi Aramco Expatriate Schools; and Nasser Ghamdi of the HR Systems Support Department.