Shafiq Ahmed Khan, Anwarul Hai (The Host), Kamal Ahmed Farooqi, Arif Qamar, Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Salim Hamid, Mohammad Abdul Matin
The monthly progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on March 14, 2020 at the residence of SAEEA active member, Anwarul Hai.
The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi (KAF)
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK)
- Muhammad Salim Hamid (MSH)
- Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
- Arif Qamar (AQ)
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan (GQK)
- Shafiq A. Khan (SAK)
- Anwarul Hai (AH)

Kamal Ahmed Farooqi, SAEEA: President

Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, SAEEA: Vice President

Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan, SAEEA: General Secretary

Mohammad Abdul Matin, SAEEA: Coordinnator

Muhammad Salim Hamid, SAEEA: Finance Secretary

Shafiq Ahmed Khan, SAEEA: Joint Secretary

Arif Qamar, SAEEA: Events Organizer

Anwarul Hai, The Host
The highlights of the meeting were as follows:
- KAF thanked Anwarul Hai, for sparing his house for SAEEA meeting and arranging very delicious lunch for the attendees.
- There was a dire need for an SAEEA active member who may assist SAEEA in some ways. The name of Anwarul Hai was suggested and SAEEA put forward the request towards Anwarul Hai, which he has accepted. From now on Anwarul Hai will be in picture along with other SAEEA office bearers.
- KAF updated SAEEA activities during February/March, 2020.
- During SAEEA previous meeting, KAF requested AQ to survey and put forward his recommendations for 23rd reunion. AQ surveyed several places and suggested two. Now, SAEEA will visit these places soon and finalize the place for 23rd reunion. The date will be finalized keeping in mind the current virus situation.
- Shabbar Abidi, In Charge of HALQAE SHERO ADAB is currently out of Country. The third program of the group will be held after Shabbar’s return.
- KAF, on behalf of all SAEEA office bearers thanked SAEEA Whats App users for not placing non SAEEA material. This will ease for the office bearers to place necessary news for the benefit of all Members.
- Muhammad Salim Hamid presented SAEEA account. He informed that last year account is ready for audit and will be presented to the Auditor soon.
- IAK updated about SAEEA web. He informed that because of some technical difficulties, the updated information of SAEEA is not placed. KAF requested GQK and IAK to coordinate and solve the problem soon.
- KAF prayed for all sick people; mainly Mrs. Kamal Farooqui, Son in law of KAF, Grandson of KAF, Muhammad Jaleel, Muhammad Khalid, Muhammad Basha, Ovais Akramali, Matin and others.
If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com.

Anwarul Hai, Kamal Ahmed Farooqi, Arif Qamar, Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Salim Hamid, Mohammad Abdul Matin

Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan, Muhammad Salim Hamid

Kamal Ahmed Farooqi, Arif Qamar

Shafiq Ahmed Khan, Kamal Ahmed Farooqi, Anwarul Hai, Arif Qamar, Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Salim Hamid